A candle burns...
In a peaceful ancient walled town in the Pyrenees candles burn, their holiness and their power seems enhanced by the walls and the atmosphere of the place. The image of Our Lady watching over them as much as the pilgrim gazes quickly, or reflectively, or at the least wondering perhaps, as his or her candle is lit.
This is the first church along The Way after "signing in" at the Pilgrim Bureau. From here it is onwards towards Santiago, which seems a distant dream. For whom do the candles burn? Who will join their yearnings with mine? Who will follow? Who will feel blessed by God's response? Who wishes that they too could be doing such a thing right now? Questions, questions,questions, is this not the way life itself always is? As human beings we yearn for answers, we seek after "truth".
Me, today, I pray that I may have what I need for the journey, that I may not be a burden to others and that those whom I love and who love me may be kept safe, and that all who seek the prayers of the saints may find the help of a friend who accompanies them through the day.
This is the first church along The Way after "signing in" at the Pilgrim Bureau. From here it is onwards towards Santiago, which seems a distant dream. For whom do the candles burn? Who will join their yearnings with mine? Who will follow? Who will feel blessed by God's response? Who wishes that they too could be doing such a thing right now? Questions, questions,questions, is this not the way life itself always is? As human beings we yearn for answers, we seek after "truth".
Me, today, I pray that I may have what I need for the journey, that I may not be a burden to others and that those whom I love and who love me may be kept safe, and that all who seek the prayers of the saints may find the help of a friend who accompanies them through the day.