the beautiful front of the Arch of Our Lady and the shop window displays showing how to sell spectacles to model railway enthusiasts mask a very painful moment, both physically and emotionally for me. When I took my socks off at the Albegue it became clear quickly,and consulting other pilgrims that a trip to Centre Salud was again needed. I haven't put the foot photo online deliberately so as not to cause upset. Around a third of my left foot including blisters was very damaged. There were tears as the nurses cleaned it, trimmed it and ordered me not to walk for at least 5 days, probably longer. My first follow up appointment is in two days time. I have to rest as much as possible. I can leave my rucksack in the Albergue, but I still have to be out from 8 am till 2 pm. On the plus side I should be able to catch a morning mass and look around the Cathedral. The Irish bar where I am writing this blog has WiFi, but the Albergue does not.
I still can't quite believe I have walked so far, 273 km. Walked a little in France, through the Navarre, through Rioja, into Castilla y Leon. Over ten "mountains" at 950 m each. For all this thanks be to God.
So please offer a prayer for me as I try work out what happens next.
Physically a hamburger and some Patatas Bravas with a beer at the Irish Bar "The Book" are helping.
Please bear in mind that I will not see any comments until tomorrow...