Puente to Estella... Sunday
This was definitely the day of bridges. Plenty of them, and mountain scenery too. I remember bursting into "How lovely on the mountains are feet of him, who brings Good News..." Then I am thinking, those mountains were put there one way or another by God, and here am I, called to bring "Good News" to his people. Well I have tried, but as the old testament prophets make clear, it is not ( despite what church authorities will have you believe) a results business. Faithful service does not always change hearts, it just stands as a sign to those who would see. Christians are not called to be successful, there are called to be faithful.
Hmm, guess you spotted it's Sunday!
On a lighter note a lovely shopkeeper in a village I passed through put a table and chair out for me to eat and drink at so I had a moment to think of the amazing people that make up the Grace Mary to Lion Farm Big Local Partnership. Gm2Lf. If you are reading this guys , hi, you rock! This partnership is slowly making a difference to the area it serves. Check out the facebook page, search Google. So here is the Gm2Lf bug resting on a can in a village in Northern Spain... if you were here guys I would buy you one ... ah well never mind!
These additional photos explain why this was the day of the bridge. The first a this was a canal aqueduct, almost as spectacular as Chirk, but not quite, the second another delightful medieval bridge along the way.