Zubiri to Pamplona

Today was a solo walk on account of I overslept, oops. Still undaunted on went the boots, although I was a little concerned about a couple of blisters. This was a prayer walk morning, giving thanks for the magnesium plant bringing work to the town and minerals for medicine. It wasn't long until the bridge was passed. Then I began to sing "Katika safari, yah kwenda, bin guni, tembea nae bwana Jesu.." "On the journey to heaven we will walk,with the Lord, he will walk with us on our way..." It seemed most appropriate as I was journeying seemingly alone. Indeed it was reprised several times that day.

The last 10k was hard work walking along a seemingly endless "Parque Fluvial". I could have stopped at Arre, but a handy Carrefour Express selling water and chocolate boosted my enthusiasm. A little later I met a man a little older than myself on his way to his allotment. He stopped to be an enthusiastic encouragement. Where had I come from, where was I going, was I on holiday Pamplona is three maybe four kilometres ahead. I thanked him prayed a blessing on his crops and moved on. Angels come in all shapes and sizes. He is not the only one I have met this week. Indeed, one or two may be reading this blog!

The Porta Franchia is the second photo, not quite the pearly gates but welcome all the same. My feet could not have gone much further. I headed for the "Albergue Jesus Y Maria" whose profits go to support young people with Downs Syndrome. Glad my 10€ may add a little joy to others.

Lesson: not everyone is out for personal profit!

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