Night time

Ok so it's now 3.35 am and I have been awake since 2 am. The aroma and noise of around 40 pilgrims "sleeping" in a large dormitory with no ventilation is an experience in itself. Add to this the Germans, and yes it usually is in my limited experience, Germans; who think they are whispering "sotto voce" but couldn't if their lives depended upon it- and they are on the top bunks above my head... there is snoring that puts mine to shame, and I have already had to "persuade" the pilgrim next to me using my size 12 that  6€ ticket only entitles you to one bed, and that does not include mine. Perhaps it is a good thing that journeys end is in mental, if not visual sight. There is a human limit to all our patience and charity no matter how hard we try. P.S. I may have snored loudly earlier in the evening, in which case someone else is probably writing a similar and equally charitable blog!!!

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