Molinaseca to Ponferrada

Glad I walked through the higher mountains yesterday as today the cloud came down and the forecast was for rain. However rested from a good night's sleep and with the knowledge of only 7 km to do today to complete one of my "missing links" it was ultreia! First village to encounter was Campo. Typical narrow streets linear settlement and on a hill- almost like the Black Country! Very few people about but I did speak to three guys between here and Ponferrada. Lovely bridge to mark the entrance to the town. Ponferrada has plenty of them. It's most famous as you might expect is Pons Ferrada - Iron Bridge. it was iron and steel and coal that put this place on the map during the Nineteenth century as in many parts of Western Europe. This industry saw the building of a now closed railway from Ponferrada to the mines and up the valleys. Narrow gauge and "vapor" of course. The railway closed in the late Twentieth century and th...