deja vu
If you followed this blog back in 2018 you will remember that blisters caused some parts of the Camino to be missed. My late mum used to tell me "if at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again" so here I am once more. It feels a bit odd as I flew into Santiago and embraced St Iago at the start! The cathedral was closed for worship so I went to Santa Maria and Salome for mass. It was odd being among around a hundred young adults with only a few oldies! I did have time to discover places that I missed last time, and even one of the Semena Santa floats that didn't come out because of the rain in 2018. It is often said of pilgrimage that it is not the destination but the journey that matters. So with that in mind I start walking once more from Leon in the morning, with a sense deja vu as I have stayed in the Benedictine monastery albergue before. It did give me the opportunity of joining the community for sung vespers in Spanish which was good for the soul. Beautiful music. This city has beautiful architecture too among the gems is Gaudi's "Casa Bottines" pictured here. Please pray for all who journey on pilgrimage wherever to at this time. Spare a prayer too for those who no longer can through infirmity or economic reasons, may their memories richly bless them always.