Astorga to Rabanal del Camino
I write this at the end of the day with aching feet in a single dormitory municipal Albergue. There is one sleeping Korean peregrina opposite me, everyone else has gone for food and beer. The pellet fuelled stove is pushing out some warmth and that is most welcome . This has been for me a long 22 km slog uphill and ended in traditional Camino style with a rocky path uphill twice as steep as the rest all day. In a touch of ironic Camino humour the fence at the side of this path is covered with crosses. A Via Crucis. A way of the Cross.
I don't remember the TV pilgrims spotting that irony, or is it absolutely apt. Following on the footsteps of Jesus is not a walk in the park. It does aggravate spiritual blisters, it is wearing, and often it hits us as we long to reach the warmth and security of the next spiritual Albergue.